This is the first post on my blog.

This blog is adapted from districts, which I completely stole the layout from. I have no regrets.

I really don't have anything to put on this website, honestly. Maybe I'll make a write up on how I made it. As of right now, however, this is just a test bed to help me learn static site generation or whatever.

This blog was made with eleventy, which was the easiest way to get this layout to work. Eleventy is pretty cool because you can pull data from anywhere and then output anything templatable. You can output RSS, JSON, HTML, whatever. This makes it incredibly useful. I'd prefer to use something more "minimal" like bashblog because node.js is very bloaty and hard to wrestle with, but I'm on Windows and I couldn't figure out how to make custom templates with any non-Javacript static site generator. I'm lame, I know.

Things to do:

- Add fun mascot
- Make a proper post page
- Fix mobile